Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mascot for Pittsburgh Science & Technology School

And now for something completely different, this is a "mascot" symbol designed for the new Pittsburgh Science & Technology Academy which will open in August of 2009. Yes, it's a Pit Bull--a notorious urban dog, some might say scary as well. I chose the Pit Bull as an apt symbol for inner city school students who may have a reputation for being "tough kids" but by adding the glasses, I thought it also showed the "smart" side potential. 

This symbol is actually derived from a collaboration between Evan, my son, and I. He and I developed the original "pit bull" symbol (with no glasses) for an industrial manufacturing client who wasn't nearly courageous enough to use it--although everyone admitted that it would be the talk of their industry if they did. 

Early reaction from students has been positive; they seem to like being associated with a tough but "brainy"  dog.

Accepted in the Pittsburgh Chapter AIGA Context 2009 Communication Graphics Show.

1 comment:

crustypiman said...

Hey, I like it and I'm not even a dog person! I don't know if I would have immediately thought of a pit bull, but the glasses are certainly an inspired touch. Using the light blue also makes the animal seem less menacing. Very symmetrical too. That would, of course, appeal to Crustypiman. Good work Dennis. At least your talent has not "gone to the dogs." Keep on designing those clever animals. We know, from David Byrne, that they're laughing at US.