Saturday, October 9, 2010

Believe Video for PPS

I had the pleasure of acting as art director and designer on a video for the Pittsburgh Public Schools this past month. The video can be seen here. The script for the video was written by Lindy Kravec and formed the conceptual backbone. Videography is by Production Masters Inc. (PMI) as is sound, music, and editing. Still photography is by Terry Clark.

1 comment:

James E. Moran said...

Hey Dennis, I just watched this a second time and I continue to be amazed by the quality of your work. I really can't find any serious fault. The music may be a little too present, at times, but otherwise it is stunning work. And the music thing is very personal so I don't mean to imply that it's bad in any way. It just got a little too much of my attention. The main speaker is delightful and her accent screams Pittsburgh! She's great! And your photo montages were just astounding, to me. Great work brother. Keep up the family name!